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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

What does plastic taste like?

If you have consumed tuna, mahi mahi, sardines, shrimp, calamari, octopus, chicken, beef, pork, corn, grains, etc., any ocean creature or organism that has been fed fish/fish meal, you are also consuming plastic that may be up to 50+ years old.

Unfortunately, plastic doesn't biodegrade, it photodegrades. This means when exposed to the sun, it breaks down into smaller and smaller toxic pieces which contaminates the soil and waterways as well as entering the food chain when animals accidentally or even intentionally ingest it.

This plastic can also act as a chemical sponge soaking up and concentrating hundreds of nasty toxins which then enter the food chain with a devastating impact on marine life, birds, and eventually returning back to us in new deadly forms. Plastic Resin Pellets ("nurdles") absorb and concentrate toxins such as PCB & DDE up to ONE MILLION times their level in ambient sea water.

So asking what plastic tastes like may sound like a silly question, but it's an important one when you realize that most food products have been highly impacted by our wasteful ways.

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